So you need more?


Few things excite me more in this breed than meeting people who are eager to touch, feel, and see the breed in action.

We love it when you visit because you’re in love with this breed.  When you visit here, you’ll see the breed in action.  We want to show you how hard this breed works, how enthusiastic they are, and how fabulous they are when they are well trained.

We are not just going to show you our best behaved dogs, we’re going to show you our dogs that still need a lot of work in order to be great members of the community.  It’s important you can an honest overview of what this breed is about.  Unfortunately we have had people visit who tell me the thing they like most about the breed is “that they are calm”.  Yes, I explain, they are relatively calm when they are asleep, but they can be very, very active.  And if you don’t harness that activity into constructive outcomes, you will have a very difficult and destructive dog!

Please note:  when you see a dog at a dog show that is sitting waiting on a grooming table for their turn in the ring, or to be groomed, this is not representative of how the dog behaves for the majority of their life.  Yes we do train our dogs, and often give them lengthy exercise sessions before they go into the ring to ensure that we don’t see too much of their fundamental energy being displayed to the judge!

Enjoy the video below of some outstanding dogs being shown in Rhode Island, USA, in 2008 where I was able to attend to extend my breed knowledge.  If you are at work, turn down the volume.  If you watch this and just want me, call me.  I love meeting breed enthusiasts.  And if seeing these pictures sends a shiver down your spine, we need to meet:

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